Waking up after three hours of sleep and thinking about getting out of bed for at least another hour

•02/07/2010 • Leave a Comment

Sometimes, I feel sorry for those horrifyingly shitty bloggers out there. You know, pr*ttysh*tty and papyrus, to name a couple. Every morning, they wake up after three hours of sleep and think about getting out of bed for at least another hour, get out of bed, take a shower, have their coffee and then get on the computer to see how many fatal diseases they can spread throughout the internet. And they do it every day. What’s even worse is that they get hordes of mindless fans to remind them they have a sense of humor (even though they obviously don’t).  To be honest, I would rather be the first to have an accident on a zip line than think my blog is remotely funny. They’re like those annoying rich kids in grade school that everybody liked because of their money. Or their social skills, whatever. Fuck those cunts.